Friday, August 05, 2005


Okay, here's the newest venture - I'm trying to change the comment thing. To clarify, you know how at the bottom of the post it says 0 comments, or whatever, and some people have changed that to see funny/witty things. I know you have to change the code, I just can't figure out where to change to make it work. Anybody out there who knows, let me know. I should know how, and if my computer was up and running I could do it because I am queen of macs, but PCs throw me for a loop. Well, whatever.

The new template is in honor of my new found boredom. Actually, if I go up to Alaska for two weeks, which I am, that means it's going to only be like another three weeks that I'm sitting before things go into motion. Actually, I really need to know for sure if I'm set to go to Ireland, because as soon as I know that for sure, then I need to do a bunch of quick calling and arranging of things. Oh whatever.

I might go see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory later. But you know, I'm kind of tired. I think my brain is working even slower than my typing is. Or maybe it's going the other way around and I just can't tell. Not sure about that one.

I wish I had more to share with the world. I'll keep you updated.

1 comment:

tiffkindred said...

I can't figure out how to change anything either.. If you find out please let me know how you do it!! :) Best wishes in your travels...Tiffany