Friday, August 19, 2005

My cat is a menace and so are TV ads

Super funny - my aunt is here visiting, and she brought her little dog Joey. I forget what kind of dog he is, but he's white and fluffy and fairly small. We, on the other hand, have this monstrous cat. He's a huge, orange, 20-pounder, and very protective of his territory. The puppy just wants to make friends, and the kitty hisses and sends the dog cowering into the corner. It's funny.

Have you ever listened to some of those insurance ads on TV? They go like this - "If you or a loved one has been injured or killed in a car accident..." I get what they mean, but honestly, that's a little hokey. Yes, I have been killed in a car accident and I would like to sue!

Okay, that's it. I'm bored of this.


Lucy Stern said...

My 2 cats were sitting on the front porch this morning waiting to be let in for food. I heard the sound of a dog barking in close proxmity to the front porch. Next thing I knew I could hear the noise the dog made when one of the cats Wacked him. He let out a yelp,ran away and I didn't hear another sound.

The Diggerz said...

I had a siamese killer cat named Coco, and I would yell to my dad, "Make the cat run daddy!" He would pick him up by all fours, hold his legs together and make him run while humming this running music... "dah da dah da, dun dun dah da dah da..." Then the cat would do a long jump at the end, as symbolized by his legs being stretched out to full capacity, followed by the dismount, where my dad would let him go and he'd drop to the floor, landing on all fours. I loved it, but Coco didn't.