Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hi ho, hi ho

School starts on Monday - here we go again! I like school. I've just been twiddling my thumbs since getting back from my trip to the Cape, so it'll be nice to have a renewed sense of purpose, if you will.

I have a new roommate - so far it's going well. I'm thinking about doing karaoke tonight. Depends. I don't want to go without someone else, but I don't know who will come with me. Maybe Laura Jane will go.


Sunday, June 21, 2009

My summer's resolutions

I don't really have any summer's resolutions.

School is going well. My first four week class is over, that was fine. I don't think I ever want to look at another Greek vase, but other than that... CS 101 is pretty easy so far - we're just doing Matlab, which is like a glorified TI-89. Astronomy research is interesting. Nothing too difficult, but I hope I'm helping.

I'm thinking about going to Cape Cod for 10 days or so in August. We'll see if I can save enough money - even the cheapest motels are expensive. But I really need to get the hell outta Dodge, as it were, before jumping in for the fall semester. So, hopefully that will work out.

I've been trying to work out more frequently. I mean, I'm not losing any weight or anything, 'cause I haven't really changed my diet, but I certainly feel better for doing it, so that's good. Yay, endorphines!

Anyway, right now things are pretty laid back. Met a nice/hot guy on Wednesday night. I think I might see him again on Wednesday, but I won't be disappointed if he doesn't show - I'm getting a little inured to that kind of thing these days. But I would be pleasantly surprised if I were to see him again.

That's it, I guess.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Summertime, and the living is... well, I wouldn't say easy necessarily

So, here I am, sitting outside at Pekara, enjoying the warm weather outside, sort of doing homework, sort of gawking at someone I know three patios over. Summer is going well. My class is okay, although not particularly scintillating. I'll be excited when it's over. Otherwise, I'm just killing time.

Well, I don't really have anything to say. Sorry, I'm kind of boring tonight, probably shouldn't have even attempted a blog. Boo.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wah wah wah...

So, I had a hankering to write about myself some more, so here I am. Can hardly believe that I lasted so long.

My semester ended well - all A's, which I wasn't necessarily expecting an A in PHYS 326, but I got one, so hurrah! Right now I'm at Aroma, pseudo-studying. I watched the first season of True Blood, by the way, which I liked. That was a complete aside. I'm taking a four week class right now - CLCV 217, Greek Art and Architecture. It's a lot, and gets boring after three hours a day, but I'm surviving, so that's a plus. Later I'll also be taking CS 101. And I'm also doing some astronomy research this summer, which is cool, especially since I get paid. We're basically studying spectral data from massive young stellar objects (YSO) from the Large Magellanic Cloud. Mostly I'll be concentrating on the ices. So, I'm excited to actually be doing some hands-on stuff. Next semester, I'll be taking CLCV 221, The Heroic Tradition, ASTR 404, Stellar Astrophysics, PHYS 436, Electromagnetism II, PHYS 486, Quantum I, and CLCV 490, Topic in Classical Civ. I'm not going to busy or anything. But seriously, if I have to drop one, that'll be okay. It would either be the CLCV 490 or the astronomy class. We'll see.

Er... I'm kind of bored with this now. I think I'm going to go the library and see if they have any books I haven't read yet. I doubt it, but one can always hope...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Welcome to my 259th post on this blog

Isn't that crazy? I've been blogging a long time it feels like. I'm currently listening to a song called "Angels on the Moon" by Thriving Ivory. The dude has the strangest voice, but it kind of grows on you.

I'm procrastinating, surprise, surprise. I've got three exams this week. The first one is ET on Thursday. I'm really not that worried about that one. The second one is E&M on Friday morning. That one I'm not sure if I should be worried or not. It's just that I can't decide if I know everything or not. I mean, it's open note, book, and whatever, and the practice exam was fairly easy, but I know how I am and I can just see myself sitting down to take the exam and choking or something. The last exam is CLCV 116, an hour after E&M. I'm not sure about that one either. I mean, it's multiple choice, but we're talking 70 questions in fifty minutes, which doesn't leave a lot of time for thinking. And I just don't really know what to expect. I also have a four page paper for the class due next Tuesday, but I've relieved myself of the burden of thinking about that until this weekend, so that's cool.

One of my new favorite songs is "Heartless" by Kanye West.

Today I dressed up for no apparent reason. I mostly just wanted to wear these shoes that I bought a while ago and have never worn. They're pretty comfortable, for high heels, anyway. I'm sitting in Aroma trying to get my stuff together to actually study. I've discovered that I'm sort of become one of those squeeze-your-eyes-shut-and-hope-you-don't-crash kind of exam takers. It's just - things don't stay in my brain that long these days. Anyway, that's all I've got.

Saturday, January 31, 2009


So, I dropped Spanish 104 like it was hot, man! I mean, after going to one class, I know I could have survived it, but talk about an unnecessary outlet of brain power. Anyway, I'm officially switching to Engineering Physics, 'cause I don't have to take that fourth semester of a foreign language. Looks like I probably won't be going to Cyprus this summer 'cause there's just no way I can afford it. Bummer, but I got over it. Anyway, school is going fine so far, so yay.

In other news,... well, I guess I don't really have other news. How sad is that. Not much happens to me, I guess. Oh, actually, I did get elected treasurer of Women in Physics, so that's kind of cool. I mean, it doesn't appear that I actually have to do that much, but it's something. I'm going down to campus in a couple of hours to study E&M with Steve. I haven't actually looked at it yet, but hopefully it's doable. I spent hours... and I do mean hours on PHYS 326 homework this week, which is just aggravating. I mean, it's fine, but that soon out of the gate, it's a little disheartening. However, I know that I'll get to the end of this semester and be like, that went by fast and wasn't too bad. That's pretty much my general response to life - it goes by fast and wasn't that bad. How's that for optimism?

Anyway, I have to work tonight 5 to 11 PM. That's cool since I only work one shift a week these days, so it's always nice to see people and kind of do something different for a little while. Besides, who doesn't want to be surrounded by books and movies and music and coffee? Some of my favorite things in life are on that list.

Well, I think I've pretty much exhausted everything I had to say, not that it was that much to begin with. However, I have been imbued with the special ability to spout nonsense and make it sound good.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

*big sigh*

Well, another semester is underway. In a way, I'm excited because it means I'll have something to keep me busy. On the other hand, however, I'm bummed I will no longer be able to sit around doing nothing for hours on end. On that note, I drove to Decatur last night to get a bookshelf at their Target since ours didn't have the color I wanted. I set it up and reorganized all my books, and it looks very nice, if I do say so myself. Anyway, so that was my fun thing for the long weekend.

I guess we have a new president. Go, Obama! Fix that nation, etc.

I had my first class this morning at 10 AM, and that was interesting. It was ASTR 330, Extraterrestrial Life. The professor is a total goon - all loud, telling unfunny jokes, jumping around and such. I think the class is going to be pretty easy, honestly. My second class is in about 45 minutes. It's CLCV 116, The Roman Achievement. I don't know how that is going to be - I'm hoping easy and interesting, but we'll see about the interesting part. That's all I have today, but tomorrow I have PHYs 435 and 326, which are going to be a ball and a half. Also, starting next week, I'll have my Spanish 104 class Tuesday and Thursday evenings. I'm sort of nervous about that since it's been about 2 years since I took 103.

Well, gotta run.