So, I had a hankering to write about myself some more, so here I am. Can hardly believe that I lasted so long.
My semester ended well - all A's, which I wasn't necessarily expecting an A in PHYS 326, but I got one, so hurrah! Right now I'm at Aroma, pseudo-studying. I watched the first season of True Blood, by the way, which I liked. That was a complete aside. I'm taking a four week class right now - CLCV 217, Greek Art and Architecture. It's a lot, and gets boring after three hours a day, but I'm surviving, so that's a plus. Later I'll also be taking CS 101. And I'm also doing some astronomy research this summer, which is cool, especially since I get paid. We're basically studying spectral data from massive young stellar objects (YSO) from the Large Magellanic Cloud. Mostly I'll be concentrating on the ices. So, I'm excited to actually be doing some hands-on stuff. Next semester, I'll be taking CLCV 221, The Heroic Tradition, ASTR 404, Stellar Astrophysics, PHYS 436, Electromagnetism II, PHYS 486, Quantum I, and CLCV 490, Topic in Classical Civ. I'm not going to busy or anything. But seriously, if I have to drop one, that'll be okay. It would either be the CLCV 490 or the astronomy class. We'll see.
Er... I'm kind of bored with this now. I think I'm going to go the library and see if they have any books I haven't read yet. I doubt it, but one can always hope...
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