Sunday, February 20, 2005

Tough bickies

That's a phrase that reminds me of my sister. I remember way-back-when when she used to say that a lot. I am currently alone in my room, a rare thing. Hannah is at the farm and Jessica is returning a video to Delta. I like atmosphere. Right. Let me rephrase. I like to have the space around me a certain way. Neat, dim lighting, candles, music - always I like this, not just when I'm depressed or feeling romantic. It's lovely.

Janelle was saying that Sam is not sticking to his word because he's doing all this other stuff and not trying to stay involved, and he's not the same person. I have to say that is not a big suprise. I mean, I can't say I know what she means really, but I think that anyone who has grown up on a farm and leaves is going to blow some steam. Whether it's enough to run a steam engine to Cincinnati or if it's just a boiling kettle's worth depends on who and why. I can almost assure you I will, if I leave. I trust myself to not do anything terribly crazy, but I might get drunk on my 21st birthday. Do you see what I mean, though? Sure, it's not smiled upon, but it's harmless in the long run.

I've realized that I have an extreme hatred for incorrect spelling or grammar. Reading through some blogs, you see a lot of posts where people don't care in the least. It's a total turn off for me. To me, if someone doesn't care enough to learn to spell or write correctly, I'd just rather not see anything written by them. It's nauseating.

Okay, that may be a little extreme.

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