I didn't really know what to think of Jessica's blog post. I mean, to me, that's hardly the thing our blog needed. I know it was meant to be a joke, but I just don't think it's useful when we just got over a big hunda. I mean, to me, it would have been funny if she had chosen things to say that were funny, but most of them were all too true, you know? So I guess to me, it sounded like she was really letting it all out. It's fine, but the way it came out sounded more hateful then funny. Whatever.
I just finished chemistry lab. We were doing all sorts of tests on various alcohols, as well as trying to finish distilling the alcohol we made. Yay. Next week we have to fractionally distill our current distillate, do a couple more tests and then we're done. One more week without lab book homework! Oh yeah, except for the previous one on chromatography - still have to do that one. Dang.
The only reason I left the other blog is, well, really because I decided I just didn't want the extra hunda it was causing. I mean, the idea was really cool, but I just don't want to cause more problems than there are already. I mean, I tried to tell Polk, you know, using the whole "talk to the person, don't just comment and write more if you have a problem" thing, but she just thanked me for saying something and said she didn't care, it was just meant to be a joke. I guess to me, lots of things I say are meant to be jokes and I find out too late the no one is taking them that way, so I'm trying to be cautious, maybe overly so. Anyway, that's why. It's not like it's personal to the house or anything, or to anyone.
I'm getting this really nifty tankini that my Bo is getting me for Christmas. It's neat. I'll spare you pictures of me in it lest you really lose your lunch.
I got some checks today - my first! They're monopoly checks - super cool.
I really should go get ready for dinner.
1 comment:
This is very frustrating for an 'outsider', because you're ignoring the Rule of the Jungle: Link! Or maybe it's a Core Value of the web. Whatever. But I have no clue where this stuff you refer to is, because you didn't link to it! There's no dialog when there's no connection.
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