Monday, February 21, 2005


I have to be completely honest to all my avid readers out there that this morning, I skipped opening entirely, along with dishes, and I'm only writing now because I'm in the middle of writing to a CD-R and I don't want to interrupt it by moving my computer a few hundred yards down the road. I had a couple things that I'd sold on eBay, and I really needed to send them out this morning, so I was doing the shipping labels and stuff this morning during breakfast. I really should have sent them out on Friday, but I didn't get my act together. I hope they're happy though. Hate that nasty negative feedback. So anyway, I'm probably going to be late for school this morning because of this CD, but it's fine. It's my own fault - I could have waited until I got to the Cedar House to do it. I'm just impatient.

I'm getting super excited about going to Europe. I've pretty much decided on a particular tour, I just need to confirm pricing and airfare. It's not the one I linked to a couple of days ago - this one is longer. I just imagine the four days in Corfu to do whatever I want. Wow. Words cannot do it justice.

Ok, done writing, now verifying. Just a couple more minutes.

I'm going to have to start audioblogging so that when I go on my trip, I don't have to have my computer, I can just pick up the phone and leave my blog that way. Of course, that's saying that I have a phone. I also need to get a digital camera before I go. No sweat. I found this cool tankini on eBay. It's a little expensive, I mean, not really, it's $35, but it's cute. I'm going to see if my Bo will by it. Okay, disc done.

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