I have to say, folks, I am honoured. I really, really am. It's an honour to know that there are even just four people out there who want to keep up with me and how I'm doing. Thanks.
I'm currently sitting in the Green Street Coffee House. Some of you may remember that this is where I spent most of my time last summer when I was here helping my sister with her wedding. It's currently under a different ownership, and the improvements are vast. It's nice. Actually, nostalgic as this may sound, it's almost like coming home again. Okay - a little over-the-top, but whatever. You know how it is when you run into something extremely familiar.
I can't believe that I'm leaving for Europe in a little over a week. I don't quite think that it's sunk in.
Yesterday, I did a bunch of shopping. I looked for glasses. I hate looking for glasses. It's so difficult to find some that I like now and that I can be sure I am going to like later. Grrr. I'm also making that really good stuffed chicken when my dad comes in - that stuff I made a couple of weeks ago. So yum. Best food I ever made.
I keep thinking back to the conversation that I had with Bill last Saturday - man, that already seems a lifetime away. I hate that, how time dims things. I remember asking him that if I ever grew up if maybe I could come back. Of course, he was all heart, as he can be sometimes, and said of course I could, if the time came and I really wanted to. I don't know. Maybe I won't. My life might have just changed in the most enormous way that I can't even comprehend. On the other hand, I might just need a year or two to just get all this crap out. I won't know until I decide. Whoa - that was deep, man.
It's so bizarre, looking at society these days, how much things have changed in the past century. I think this has been the most amazing 100 years ever. I mean, I've only been alive for about 20+ of them, but still, I know some history.
(This strange Nigerian guy who wanted to buy something of mine from eBay keeps trying chat with me... Go away, strange Nigerian person!)
Well, time to draw this living epistle to a close. Please keep in touch, all of you out there. I love you all so much and you are my favorite people ever. No joke.
OMG boj! Ditch that nasty Nigger...or Nigerian....!!! Icky icky icky patang....neeee wah!!!! You are privileged that the most awesome people in all the world (besides yourself) are following your every move.....we are reallly your biggest fans! I can see you at the coffee shop, thoughtfully typing away as you sip coffee and glance up to notice the passersby.....love you!
Oh wow, well I just got Boj's blog addy again and I feel so behind, well I mean I guess I am responding to a really old blog entry, but anyways I miss u Bojers so bad, and I would say the Nigerian sounds dark and delightful =) jk, k well I think I will proceed to a more recent blog, loves
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