Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Wow, anger

It's so frustrating to be in a class where the teacher won't even let you get a question out. I understand not wanting to get into things if they're a bit of a rabbit trail, but at least let the student get a word in edgewise. It's especially frustrating when, as a college student, I want to know why I'm learning specific things and how I would use them in the real world, but when the teacher won't even let me ask and assumes I just don't want to learn, that makes me want to shut down and definitely not listen to a thing he's saying. Therefore, I am writing this blog post as Ted blabbers on about oxidation and reduction. I don't care about it, honestly. The only reason I care about this class is to pass it. So, I got a 97 - yay. I don't care what I did wrong and don't want to spend time talking about it, especially when I can't even ask the questions that matter to me and he just goes on and on about what he thinks is important. Grrr.

That felt good to get that out.

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