Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Sick and tired

That's me. I've been at home all day sick. Yesterday, I was totally fine until right at the end of choir, when I got a raging headache that made me sick to my stomach. I tried to go to lab, but to no avail, and so I tried to sleep upstairs and that was to no avail too, so I went to dinner and then came home and just felt terrible. So, I've been home sleeping all day. I'm trying to do some homework...I didn't go to service, but I think it's over because people are coming online. This stupid book - Life in the Cold - is so amazing. Why would someone devote their life to this kind of stuff. Did you know there is a complicated mathematical formula for the thermal conductivity of snow packs?

I'm talking to my sister. I feel so badly because she so wants me to come down to Illinois, and I just can't make the decision. Then there are people who want me to stay here, and I can't seem to decide that either. And then, if I ignore the outside pressure entirely, there's me sitting in the middle thinking that I want to do all of them.

I'm still working on the Moonlight Sonata. I really like it. It makes me happy.

I'm so tired.


The Diggerz said...

Boj....ouchies! Do what you need to...forget about the masses and what they want and try somehow to make a decision. I would say ask God and He'll help you but you already know I just said it anyway...well here comes my famous comment: "But I still love you!" Why don't you go outside and kiss the rain? you.

Jennifer said...

boboskiwatentaten..actually you should listen to me because it i can guide you in the way you should go. just kidding. but gotta loosen up or your going to make yourself sick - oh wait you already did. You'll do the right thing at the right time in spite of yourself. i have faith in you.