Wednesday, January 12, 2005

My, what a big mouth you have

I'll tell you this much, Josiah is a big fat meanie. He comes up to me and puts his fingers around my upper arm and said, "I wish I had arms as big as you." I was like, "Hey, I already have a complex, Josiah. You probably have arms as big as me just they're muscle," and he said, "No, I already checked, my aren't that big." Whatever. I think he's a funny one, but at least I can take what he dishes out with a grain of salt. He's a good friend, but he says some funny stuff sometimes. My sister is an odd one. Why does she always ask me if ketones smell like anything? I mean, yes, if you have stuff that is concentrated, most organic substances have a strong aroma, but not in diluted concentrations. Silly girl. Anyway, we're having a prayer meeting at our house tonight, and Steven and Jinni and Brooke are coming over from Rika's. So, there you have it. I don't have anything else to say, I'm just rambling because I don't have anything else to do. Okay, I'm gone.

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