Monday, October 17, 2005

Sandra Wilson came up to me today

It really was quite amazing. We just got to talking there in the middle of the road. She was telling me all about how she and her husband Horace had been praying for me. Then she told me all about how she and Horace got together, about her first marriage, and how he was a gift from God to her, although it took her years to see that. But she said a lot of good things. God gives you desires and dreams, and not just so he can see if you will give them up, but because he actually has something in them for you. How if you thank God for where you are and what you're experiencing, even if you don't feel like it, it will be worth it. I guess why it meant so much to me is that I've been trying to pray about whether I should leave come December. In all honesty, however, I haven't really wanted to know what God wants - I just want to do what I want to do. So I've been praying - God, I don't really want what you want, but I want you to know that and know that I know that's not really right. I don't know, but I see it as a sign for something. I don't necessarily know what, but there you have it.

Well, I really should do something with this time I have to do some stuff like electronics.

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