Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Here I am, running as fast as I can

That's a song, just in case you didn't know that. So, today was pretty good. I have now been here one week. So, yay and all that. I've been writing emails to the outside world, but not a lot of feedback. Come on people, write me!

I've discovered that I miss having a roommate. Rather, I should say that the pros seem to outweigh the cons of having one. That's just what I've decided. I mean, I go home at night, and I'm all alone in my room, and that's kind of lonely. No one to talk to, no comforting presence across the way. I felt that way even before I came here to Ireland - even at my parents I thought that. Well, anyway, enough of that.

I would die for an espresso drink right now. Like a mocha. A mocha breve. Mmmmm! Yummy.

So, did I tell you about the cool book I'm reading? It's called The Elegant Universe, by Brian Greene. He's a physics professor, currently based at... Columbia University, I think? Anyway, it's about how superstring theory unites the discrepencies between quantum mechanices and relativity. It sounds daunting, but it's actually pretty good. And then he's got another one out called The Fabric of the Cosmos. I'm sure thats good, too. So... that's what keeps me occupied these days. In the words of Rascal Flatts, "Yeah, that's what I'm doing these days."

So, cool.

1 comment:

Janelle WInston said...

Just so you know, you're a complete wierdo... just thought I would give you some encouragement! I love ya though and I know what you mean about roommates.. Currently I have one that I don't necessarily feel that comroderie (sp?) anyway it's fine, but I long for the days of roommate comfort and such. Ah well, someday we'll both have permanent roommates and that will be lovely. Especially the fact that they will be ones that we want.
Love ya and miss you lots.