Saturday, September 24, 2005

Did you know...

...that it's after two in the morning and for some reason I am not yet in bed.

Here are two things about me:

1.) I think books, movies, and TV are far more interesting than my life and would rather spend hours pretending I am not living the life that I am.

2.) I am a complete lame-o because I go to the movies on a Friday night by myself, and then go spend all day drinking coffee and reading in a bookstore. Even the coffee maker guy thinks I'm strange.

Oh and here's another thing - The only reason I write in my blog is because I always feel like I want to have a deeply empassioned thought session and then I get distracted and never actually get around to it.

God, when did I become so terribly lame?


The Diggerz said...

Boj, GOSH! You are not are lots of fun and I love you. Go volunteer for the American Red Cross or you lots!

JR said...

Maybe what you really want is companionship, and blogging is one more way to seek it out.

It doesn't sound like you're terribly lame to me, tho. I think you're beating yourself up.

You know, local librarys usually have info on book clubs. It'd be a good way to pick up a book as an escape from life, and yet have it tie back in w/ life when you discuss it w/ others.

Just a thought
