Thursday, June 30, 2005
Here we are
I've now been here for about a week. Just over. I'm really enjoying myself and I'm getting along with the young people really well... I think :) Simeon and I hang out a lot and he's a real blast and a half, but don't tell him I said that because it would ruin all the nasty looks of scorn I give him whenever he tries to be funny. Just kidding. The internet is fairly slow here, like the good old days. Oh well. Let's see, what else... I'm just kind of doing whatever. Working in the kitchen, cleaning, doing some typing stuff for Brother Andrew Giles. Yeah so it's all good. Don't know what else to say. I'm still getting in my piano practicing - the Moonlight Sonata and Fur Elise... the old faithful ones. Anyway, I'm going to go now, but I love you all tons. Bethany, thanks for checking up on me here. Let's keep in touch.
Friday, June 24, 2005
Here in Ireland
Well, I know it's certainly been a while since I have blogged and much, or not, has happened. After hauling two incredibly heavy bags on the London underground and flying across the way, Jon and Sarah picked me up at the Dublin airport. I've now been here at the community for a couple of days, and so far I'm enjoying it. They'd no qualms putting me to work, which is great, because that's what I'm here to do, you know? Anyway, so I'm having fun and enjoying getting to know everyone. It's funny because it's almost like my other trip never even happened. So I'm here for about a month and it should be fun. Another nice suspension from reality.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Back in London
Well, here we are. The tour is over and it was great fun. The big news is that we learned that Amy, our tour guide, was doing her first ever tour. We had been told that it was her second season at it. We were all totally and completely flabbergasted. She didn't seem unsure of herself for a second. Wow. Impressive. Anyway, tomorrow I fly out to Ireland. Quick change of pace, you might say. I say, Indeed. Anyway, I'm off to have one last hurrah with the group. Love you all.
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Amsterdam, Netherlands
It's a cute little city, famous as it may be for drugs and sex. Tonight most of the people from our crew are off to a sex show. I decided not to go :) Yeah, and they're all planning on getting stoned while here, just because it's a once in a lifetime opportunity. Whatever. Tomorrow I have to buy my last two gifts and I want to visit Anne Frank's house, the Van Gogh museum, and somewhere else - it's where all Rembrandt's works are. Anyway, so that should be good. Then we're off back to London. And that will be all. Hopefully I'll be able to give you all a big post about reflections rather than just facts later. Love you all.
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland
It is so amazingly beautiful here. Just - there are no words. Tomorrow I'm going to truck up Jaungfrau, on the highest cog train ever. Should be fun, eh? Well, nothing else to say. I love you all. Thanks for sticking around. Love to Beth, hardly a common folk, ya?
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Mountain biking
Yeah, it was fun. More exercise than I've gotten in the past few months :) How embarrassing is that? Oh well. I'm definitely going to be sore tomorrow. Austria is indeed a very beautiful country. Our biking took us around through the lower Alps, so that was kind of cool. I'll try to post more pictures, but I don't know when I will get to it. We'll see.
By the way, Dad, I don't think you added me as the right person, because all my photos are public and I have a cool picture :)
By the way, Dad, I don't think you added me as the right person, because all my photos are public and I have a cool picture :)
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Isn't that a dumb title? The appropriate answer is, "Yes." Thank you.
Tonight we are in the lovely little village of Hopfgarten, Austria. Yes, we are back in Austria, a fact for which I am thankful. I think Austria has been my favorite country on this tour, although we really haven't spent that much time in it. I just get good vibes from it, you know? Anyway, tomorrow we will get a chance to go mountain biking and walk around the town. This morning we walked around Munich some, I bought a tie for Ted and some Terry Pratchett books for myself. I forgot how much I enjoyed them. Super funny.
Anyhows... (as Judy Grapengeter would say)
After here we go to Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland, and then on to Amsterdam, I believe, which is our last stop. Hard to believe that we only have 6 days left.
Well, the internet time runneth out. Love you all.
Oh, Dad, I got a cash advance on the Visa, hope that's ok :)
Tonight we are in the lovely little village of Hopfgarten, Austria. Yes, we are back in Austria, a fact for which I am thankful. I think Austria has been my favorite country on this tour, although we really haven't spent that much time in it. I just get good vibes from it, you know? Anyway, tomorrow we will get a chance to go mountain biking and walk around the town. This morning we walked around Munich some, I bought a tie for Ted and some Terry Pratchett books for myself. I forgot how much I enjoyed them. Super funny.
Anyhows... (as Judy Grapengeter would say)
After here we go to Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland, and then on to Amsterdam, I believe, which is our last stop. Hard to believe that we only have 6 days left.
Well, the internet time runneth out. Love you all.
Oh, Dad, I got a cash advance on the Visa, hope that's ok :)
Munich, Germany
Tonight we went to a Bavarian beerhall. It was fun. I even had to get up and do karaoke. It was great. Today we went to Mauthausen, the last concentration camp to close in 1945. It was a very moving experience. Actually, that doesn't even begin to describe it. Then we travelled on to Mondsee, where the church is that they got married in in the Sound of Music. Anyway, tomorrow we're on to Hopfgärten, Austria. Okay that's it.
Friday, June 10, 2005
Venice, Italy
That is where I currently am. Had a good time seeing the pigeon square - lots of pigeons. For those of you who care, it's actually called San Marco's Square, because it's right in front of the Basilica of St. Mark, where he is supposedly resting. Very nice. Also went shopping, saw glass making, got some cool pictures of that, and saw some Venetian lace. And of course the gondola ride. It was very fun - we had a fun crew on our little gondola. I got some great pictures of the canals and such. The canals are actually kind of dirty, but they weren't too bad. Apparently the water was fairly low, so we could actually walk on the streets instead of jump from board to board as they do when the water is high. Anyway, tomorrow we're off to Vienna. I'm excited about going to a Mozart and Strauss concert. Yay.
By the way, those pictures were totally random. I had no idea which ones I was uploading, so those were just what I happened to grab. That's why they're not necessarily spectacular, or of me. Thank you, Rebekah, for setting me straight on the lions in Trafalgar. Ok, well, that's it for now. Love you all.
By the way, those pictures were totally random. I had no idea which ones I was uploading, so those were just what I happened to grab. That's why they're not necessarily spectacular, or of me. Thank you, Rebekah, for setting me straight on the lions in Trafalgar. Ok, well, that's it for now. Love you all.
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Leaving Greece
Today we are catching the ferry to float up the coast of Italy to Venice. There, I shall be able to have a gondola ride - what fun! Thank you all for your avid support of my blog. I shall now post six random pictures.
Nathan and Lydia
Both from Australia, seem to like each other, if you know what I mean. This was in France.
Fragonard's perfumery
We visited this place on the way from France to Italy, and they showed us how perfume is made and all that. Bought some nice stuff.43
A church in Florence
Very pretty. The brown dome in the background is the "duomo," as some may remember from Judi's history class.
Sunday, June 05, 2005
Hello from Corfu, Greece
Now, this is a vacation! We have four days to relax and do whatever we want here. Me, I slept in and then relaxed by the pool today. Tonight we are going to have a traditional Greek party, plate-breaking and all, or so I'm told. Tomorrow I'm spending all day on a boat out in the Mediterranean. And I already have a really good tan. Ho ho. Anyway, not much else to report.
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Wow, what an experience
Well, I just got back from touring around the Vatican City. The line to get it was very, very large. We were probably in line for about 45 minutes. What's funny is that we rushed to get there as early as possible, and the line was very long, but later, when I left, the line was much shorter. It's like everyone thinks if they get there early they'll get in faster, and then everyone gets there at the same time. Whatever. Anyway, that was super cool. I really, really enjoyed seeing the Sistene Chapel. It was awesome - literally. I didn't want to leave because I couldn't help but think that I may never be back, and I wanted to take it all in. Anyway, then I went round to St. Peter's Basillica. That was also very amazing. Took a bunch of pictures. There was a hugely massive line to check out Pope John Paul II tomb, so I didn't bother. Anyway, that's where the Pièta is and such. Then I took the metro and walked about 2 miles back to the campsite. It's currently 3 PM and I'm going to go swimming.
By the way, the time has been set on Alaska time, but I will change it from now on so you know what time I'm posting from over here.
Hannah, actually, yes, at the disco, that's exactly what I thought of - dancing wildly in our living room. Good times, good times.
By the way, the time has been set on Alaska time, but I will change it from now on so you know what time I'm posting from over here.
Hannah, actually, yes, at the disco, that's exactly what I thought of - dancing wildly in our living room. Good times, good times.
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Florence and Rom
Those are the two places I have been since I last wrote. Florence was great - bought a leather coat, some jewelry, and a present for Bo. Spent a lot of money. Today we went on a walking tour of Rome, and we saw the Colosseum, the Pantheon, and other things. Tomorrow it's the Vatican, and I can't wait to see the Sistene Chapel. Oh yeah, and in Florence, I saw the Duomo and the David and other stuff. Last night we went out to a Space Electronic Disco. I had a lot of fun - it was so fun getting out on the floor and dancing. It was fun until sleezy Italian men couldn't keep their hands and yes, other various anatomical parts, away from you. Went home at that point. Caught a taxi with Nick and Megan and Johno and Gemma - who was wildly drunk, very funny. Anyway, gotta run. After Rome it's Corfu. Love you all and keep reading.
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