(Oooh, Astor Piazzola! Love him!)
Anyway, I have perfect teeth - allways get a clean bill of health at the dentist. I have no cavities, never needed braces. and believe me, it's most certainly not because I had good dental hygiene as a child - quite the opposite, as my mother would tell you. Yet here I am, taking my teeth for granted constantly.
I'm coming up on ten years of having diabetes. I have quite the less-than-perfect track record of being disciplined about what I eat. They way that if you're not careful, complications from poor control can start showing up after five years. Yet here I am, no problems in sight. How blessed am I? Truly, I never want to take that for granted. God help me to stop tempting fate on that score!
Well, as I said yesterday, I'm off in about a month. My only regret is that the minute I step off that plane in Pittsburgh, my dream world ends. This past year has been just that - almost a dream. But, when I get back to the States, I've got to hit the ground running. Car, registration, insurance, job, move, so on and so forth. I'l have to face the fact that I'm broke :( God forbid! I'm not saying I won't be having fun, it's just that then comes reality.
Ha! Bring it on! Do your worst!
Here's something interesting via my sister:

You are a Minister. Technically, you got them ALL
RIGHT!!! I applaude you! I furnished some very
hard questions there! Congratulations! Your
mastery of the Bible is quite impressive - you
are truly Bible-versed! God Bless!
How Bible-versed are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
1 comment:
ROCK ON ROCKER GIRL! YOU ROCK MY WORLD! YOUR ROCK IS THE BEST ROCK! YOU ARE ROCKER ROCKING! HIT THE @#&$*#& ASSphault running....you can do it, put your back into it...(sorry, my temperment at the moment is less then stellar)....reality is fun too, even if you do have to work.....there are these cool things, called checks, that you get to have...reality is great....love you! Stay in PA when you arrive for a little bit and I will do a drive-by on the d-l and we will go rock in the cradle of liberty...har har....bye!
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