Yes, folks, I do. I've been in rare form since Friday, really. People are just getting on my nerves and I can't seem to stop getting irritated. Ah well. I guess it happens. Argh.
Anyway, that's it.
Monday, November 28, 2005
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Another one bites the dust
Sounds rather distasteful, if you ask me.
Tonight I had dinner with Jon and Sarah and the guests, being Janet Meyers, Yvonne Somebody, Karen Deardorff, and Sander and Linda Vander Leek, the last two from Holland. It was scrumptious, of course. I really need to get Sarah's Baileys chocolate mousse recipe before I leave. I made cheesecake this afternoon, and I think it turned out ok, although we won't really know until tomorrow when we eat it. Yum.
More interesting, supposed recent research shows that Einstein's cosmological constant, which he retracted from his thoeries, saying it was his biggest blunder, may actually apply to the dark energy that keeps our universe constantly expanding. So far, calculations have been accurate within 10%. Keep it coming, lads.
I owe my parents $59.23 for ebooks. I will admit to overspending on the ebook front. It keeps me sane, having something read. I would go crazy if I didn't. And since I am an extremely fast reader, I can easily read one or two books a day, therefore I have overspent. I vow to reform. You see, it's very difficult living overseas where they don't have the books that I like, and I don't go into town very often, so I end up putting stuff on the credit card. However, when I get back to the States, I will sign up for a library card, and that will be better. Sorry, Dad, I'll pay you back.
On a similar yet different subject, I know that this next experience is going to be completely different from anything I've ever ventured. I also know that there are worries from several parties that I will sink, rather than swim. I guess living overseas has kept me a little off kilter as far as reality is concerned. Believe me, I'll be just as glad as some to get back to familiar territory. I'll also be glad because for the first time in my life, my finances will be completely in my control. For those of you who don't know how I've lived, that may sound a little strange coming from someone my age, but honestly, my entire life I have been dependent on someone else for money and all that. You guys have no idea how good it is going to feel to know that I am in control (as much as one is ever in control) of the way things go, especially with my money. I know that there are doubts as to my abilities to keep all things in moderation, and that's fine. I don't have anything to prove to anyone but myself. Either I'll make it or I won't. I believe that I will, but only time will tell. Anyway...
Well, I guess that's enough for one post. Comment forth.
Tonight I had dinner with Jon and Sarah and the guests, being Janet Meyers, Yvonne Somebody, Karen Deardorff, and Sander and Linda Vander Leek, the last two from Holland. It was scrumptious, of course. I really need to get Sarah's Baileys chocolate mousse recipe before I leave. I made cheesecake this afternoon, and I think it turned out ok, although we won't really know until tomorrow when we eat it. Yum.
More interesting, supposed recent research shows that Einstein's cosmological constant, which he retracted from his thoeries, saying it was his biggest blunder, may actually apply to the dark energy that keeps our universe constantly expanding. So far, calculations have been accurate within 10%. Keep it coming, lads.
I owe my parents $59.23 for ebooks. I will admit to overspending on the ebook front. It keeps me sane, having something read. I would go crazy if I didn't. And since I am an extremely fast reader, I can easily read one or two books a day, therefore I have overspent. I vow to reform. You see, it's very difficult living overseas where they don't have the books that I like, and I don't go into town very often, so I end up putting stuff on the credit card. However, when I get back to the States, I will sign up for a library card, and that will be better. Sorry, Dad, I'll pay you back.
On a similar yet different subject, I know that this next experience is going to be completely different from anything I've ever ventured. I also know that there are worries from several parties that I will sink, rather than swim. I guess living overseas has kept me a little off kilter as far as reality is concerned. Believe me, I'll be just as glad as some to get back to familiar territory. I'll also be glad because for the first time in my life, my finances will be completely in my control. For those of you who don't know how I've lived, that may sound a little strange coming from someone my age, but honestly, my entire life I have been dependent on someone else for money and all that. You guys have no idea how good it is going to feel to know that I am in control (as much as one is ever in control) of the way things go, especially with my money. I know that there are doubts as to my abilities to keep all things in moderation, and that's fine. I don't have anything to prove to anyone but myself. Either I'll make it or I won't. I believe that I will, but only time will tell. Anyway...
Well, I guess that's enough for one post. Comment forth.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
This is me being reflective
Well, I've learned about some interesting things in the last couple of days, and here they are:
Rastafarianism is a religion that came into being in the 1930s after Ras Tafar (the Lion of Judah) was crowned king of, um, Ethiopia, I think. The main idea is that Africans everywhere will escape opression if they all return to Mother Africa, and they have special colored hats and don't eat pork, shellfish, coffee, tea, or salt.
Scientology is also a religion, based on the idea of somebody Hubble. The basic tenets are that we all go through life with little unresolved traumas, pre- or post-natal, and if we never get them resolved they seep into our lives and make us off-kilter. These little traumas are called epigrams, or something like that. Anyway, supposedly we are all immortal beings called um, Thetans, and we've lost our way and forgotten what we were, so we go through reincarnation forever, gathering these little traumas. If we ever can truly rid ourselves of them, and get "clear," then we will be um, like operational Thetans, or something like that, with quasi-super powers. Right.
The Carpathian mountains are in Romania.
There you have it, the three interesting things I have learned recently.
As to other reflections, well, I don't know. Convention is, of course, over and most people have left. I, too, am leaving in 12 days. Wow, so soon. I am giving a dinner for a bunch of people on Sunday, and we're going to have stuffed chicken and cheesecake. Yay! I am teaching chemistry on Thursday, and we're just going to do some basic and cool stuff. Anyway, that's all for now.
Rastafarianism is a religion that came into being in the 1930s after Ras Tafar (the Lion of Judah) was crowned king of, um, Ethiopia, I think. The main idea is that Africans everywhere will escape opression if they all return to Mother Africa, and they have special colored hats and don't eat pork, shellfish, coffee, tea, or salt.
Scientology is also a religion, based on the idea of somebody Hubble. The basic tenets are that we all go through life with little unresolved traumas, pre- or post-natal, and if we never get them resolved they seep into our lives and make us off-kilter. These little traumas are called epigrams, or something like that. Anyway, supposedly we are all immortal beings called um, Thetans, and we've lost our way and forgotten what we were, so we go through reincarnation forever, gathering these little traumas. If we ever can truly rid ourselves of them, and get "clear," then we will be um, like operational Thetans, or something like that, with quasi-super powers. Right.
The Carpathian mountains are in Romania.
There you have it, the three interesting things I have learned recently.
As to other reflections, well, I don't know. Convention is, of course, over and most people have left. I, too, am leaving in 12 days. Wow, so soon. I am giving a dinner for a bunch of people on Sunday, and we're going to have stuffed chicken and cheesecake. Yay! I am teaching chemistry on Thursday, and we're just going to do some basic and cool stuff. Anyway, that's all for now.
Friday, November 18, 2005
Half-way post
Well, convention is halfway finished, so that's nice. It's been enjoyable, but honestly, I'll be glad when it's over. WE'VE BEEN INVADED!!!!! Nah, it's not that bad. It's nice to see people. Anyway, I was having a quiet night at home until everyone came home about ten minutes ago, and now it's all loud. I'll just retreat to my room again, I guess. Anyway... I wish I had more to say because I know you all don't get a kick out of reading these short boring posts. Oh well. Sayonara.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Just a note
Lots of people are here that I know, it's super cool. Love seeing people. Convention starts tomorrow. I'm excited. I now officially have a car. Almost. Anyway, gotta go - must call Yanelly!!!! Love you all. Beth, are you still out there? Polkie, we must talk specifics about meeting in Philly.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
What I dislike about Christian science books
It seems like most of them are just rather cheesy. For one, you rarely see one that's written on a more technical level than that of a high schooler. Secondly, I don't know, they're so right-wing. I mean, when I think about, say, the beginnings for the universe, or the development of life on earth, who is to say that God didn't use evolution or the big bang. I guess I just don't think that belief in well-known scientific theory is mutually exculsive to believing in God. Personally, I'm inclined to believe that the story of creation at the beginning of Genesis is not all that meets the eye. God often speaks in pictures or types, why not creation? I mean, it seems likely. Besides, who wrote Genesis? Moses. Was Moses there? I don't think so! Now, that's not to say that God couldn't have revealed it all to him, but it seems more on par with God's nature to keep things hidden until we need to know them. Therefore, it only stands to reason that God would enjoy keeping how he made the universe a mystery. I make no claims to know what happened, but that doesn't mean that there's no reason to search it out. Somewhere in the Bible it says that it's the glory of God to conceal a matter and the honor of kings to search it out. Seems to me that the origin of the universe is a prime example of this. Christian science books just explain it all away, with no leeway for things God has not yet reavealed to us. Rather pompous, if you ask me. Just when you think you know everything, God comes and blows you out of the water, so watch out.
Thanks, I just had to get that out. That's all.
Thanks, I just had to get that out. That's all.
Friday, November 11, 2005
Contemplating a car
Yeah, so there's Kia that is at a used car place down from my parents. It's pretty nice. I mean, it's an ugly color, but I'm not being picky. I mean, it's just like a kind of dark tannish silver. Anyway, that's fine.
This blog post if for my sister because she wants me to write even if I have nothing to say. Play practice went well tonight. It'll be funny if only through the roughness of it. I want more books but have run out of money to pay for them. Oh well. Maybe I'll treat myself to just another couple. Anyway, I'm outta here.
This blog post if for my sister because she wants me to write even if I have nothing to say. Play practice went well tonight. It'll be funny if only through the roughness of it. I want more books but have run out of money to pay for them. Oh well. Maybe I'll treat myself to just another couple. Anyway, I'm outta here.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
From me to you
Ugh, gross coffee. Instant coffee with milk. How sick is that?
Goodness, the callouses on my fingers are getting in my way. Oh well.
I really need to work out, it would be very good for me to do that. I think I might be gaining weight. God forbid! I hate that. Too much stuff to eat around here. Anyway, I'll deal with that sometime.
I don't really have anything else to say, but I just wanted to put in a good word for myself. Can't wait until the next Harry Potter movie comes out. Or the movie they're making from the book Eragon. Especially X-Men 3. I love the x-men. My all time favorites. Anyway, gotta go.
Goodness, the callouses on my fingers are getting in my way. Oh well.
I really need to work out, it would be very good for me to do that. I think I might be gaining weight. God forbid! I hate that. Too much stuff to eat around here. Anyway, I'll deal with that sometime.
I don't really have anything else to say, but I just wanted to put in a good word for myself. Can't wait until the next Harry Potter movie comes out. Or the movie they're making from the book Eragon. Especially X-Men 3. I love the x-men. My all time favorites. Anyway, gotta go.
Monday, November 07, 2005
Once again, a long time
I know, I know, I'm terrible. What can I say? Tomorrow I'm meant to be teaching the little mongrels some speech stuff, but what can one really do with 40 minutes? Oh, I don't know. I figure we'll do some basic outlining, some impromptu, and then maybe a little debate. I miss coaching speech sometimes. Ah well, life moves on, so they say.
I've found a new author that I really like. She's kinda, let's see, paranormal and romantic? I don't know. Good entertainment, definitely has me hooked. What will happen next, no one knows.
Anyway, it's only, um, 28 days until I leave. Wasn't that a movie about rabid monkeys or something? Yes, I rather think it was, although definitely more than rabid. So, that should be good. I'm nervous about it, but whatever.
Well, nothing else to say.
I've found a new author that I really like. She's kinda, let's see, paranormal and romantic? I don't know. Good entertainment, definitely has me hooked. What will happen next, no one knows.
Anyway, it's only, um, 28 days until I leave. Wasn't that a movie about rabid monkeys or something? Yes, I rather think it was, although definitely more than rabid. So, that should be good. I'm nervous about it, but whatever.
Well, nothing else to say.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
It's amazing how you can go hrough life taking things for granted.
(Oooh, Astor Piazzola! Love him!)
Anyway, I have perfect teeth - allways get a clean bill of health at the dentist. I have no cavities, never needed braces. and believe me, it's most certainly not because I had good dental hygiene as a child - quite the opposite, as my mother would tell you. Yet here I am, taking my teeth for granted constantly.
I'm coming up on ten years of having diabetes. I have quite the less-than-perfect track record of being disciplined about what I eat. They way that if you're not careful, complications from poor control can start showing up after five years. Yet here I am, no problems in sight. How blessed am I? Truly, I never want to take that for granted. God help me to stop tempting fate on that score!
Well, as I said yesterday, I'm off in about a month. My only regret is that the minute I step off that plane in Pittsburgh, my dream world ends. This past year has been just that - almost a dream. But, when I get back to the States, I've got to hit the ground running. Car, registration, insurance, job, move, so on and so forth. I'l have to face the fact that I'm broke :( God forbid! I'm not saying I won't be having fun, it's just that then comes reality.
Ha! Bring it on! Do your worst!
Here's something interesting via my sister:

You are a Minister. Technically, you got them ALL
RIGHT!!! I applaude you! I furnished some very
hard questions there! Congratulations! Your
mastery of the Bible is quite impressive - you
are truly Bible-versed! God Bless!
How Bible-versed are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
(Oooh, Astor Piazzola! Love him!)
Anyway, I have perfect teeth - allways get a clean bill of health at the dentist. I have no cavities, never needed braces. and believe me, it's most certainly not because I had good dental hygiene as a child - quite the opposite, as my mother would tell you. Yet here I am, taking my teeth for granted constantly.
I'm coming up on ten years of having diabetes. I have quite the less-than-perfect track record of being disciplined about what I eat. They way that if you're not careful, complications from poor control can start showing up after five years. Yet here I am, no problems in sight. How blessed am I? Truly, I never want to take that for granted. God help me to stop tempting fate on that score!
Well, as I said yesterday, I'm off in about a month. My only regret is that the minute I step off that plane in Pittsburgh, my dream world ends. This past year has been just that - almost a dream. But, when I get back to the States, I've got to hit the ground running. Car, registration, insurance, job, move, so on and so forth. I'l have to face the fact that I'm broke :( God forbid! I'm not saying I won't be having fun, it's just that then comes reality.
Ha! Bring it on! Do your worst!
Here's something interesting via my sister:

You are a Minister. Technically, you got them ALL
RIGHT!!! I applaude you! I furnished some very
hard questions there! Congratulations! Your
mastery of the Bible is quite impressive - you
are truly Bible-versed! God Bless!
How Bible-versed are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
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