Sunday, April 09, 2006

The new job

It's amazing, really, how little logic does in the face of irrational fear. I mean, what I dislike the most about starting a new job is the fear that I will look stupid and that lost feeling, kind of like being out to sea. I mean, come on, Boj, it's four hours, how much damage is that going to do to your ego? Not much, probably. Before I know it, I'll be making new friends and feeling very comfortable, just like I do now and Barnes and Noble. And that took a couple of weeks, but it's totally fine now. And the honest truth is that two weeks will fly by, and I'll feel comfortable, no worries and all that. It's just these first few days that I abhor. But it's not even a full shift - just four measley hours! Honestly, I don't know what I'm so worried about. I'm not really worried, I just want to get it over with - that awkwardness. Ugh. But that really doesn't make me look forward to it any more than I do. Oh well. Within 24 hours, I'll be done my first day of working both jobs. That's nothing! No problems, right? Right...

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