Thursday, February 09, 2006

One year ago

I realized that I just past the one year mark for this blog - yeah, sometime in the last month. Pretty crazy, hey? This is my 203rd blog post. Who woulda thunk it?

Anyway, this post is, yet again, overdue. Let's see, may parents are coming into town for a visit tomorrow. My mom says she wants to shoot some pool, after I told her how much fun Nathan and I had doing it last weekend. It's her birthday on Saturday, so we might come up with something fun to do. As for a job, I've had a couple of interviews, so I keep thinking that something has to pan out. I have another interview tomorrow at that Japanese restaurant I was telling you about last post, so we'll see how that goes.

Well, that's all for now folks.

1 comment:

Janelle WInston said...

hey you, I miss you tons... Sorry, but I just had to get that out. Ok, so I'm not sorry. How are you? Do you have a job? Are you doing ok?
Love ya