Monday, October 02, 2006


I was going to attempt to write this post in Spanish, but I just can't make my brain work that hard right now.

I went and looked at a house this morning... it's very nice. It's kind of cookie-cutterish, in a subdivision, but that doesn't bother me. The lady said that there are a lot of PhD students in the area etc. It seems like it would be a nice place to live so I'll take the parents to go see it when they come out to visit me.

I have a birthday in liike, 2.5 weeks! Yay for me! I will be 22. That's hard to believe. When did I get that old? Not that that is old, but it seems like, especially in this town, there are an awful lot of people that are younger than me and I'm just used to being one of the younger people. I don't know if that makes sense, but whatever have you.

Well, I must get to class, hopefully I won't expire from the difficulty of it. It's a third done, so that's cool. Yay. That's it.

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