Happy 4th of July! I'm celebrating by watching Wimbledon (as I've done every year since the summer of 2001) and chilling. I think I'll go to Starbucks later and do some work for a bit.
So I finished my second year of grad school, and I'm still alive, so I guess that counts as success! I'm set to take my comprehensive exam in October. I've gotten my committee together, but haven't quite set a date yet. Right now I'm working on getting a paper out - I promised my advisor a draft by the middle of the month, so I've got to keep rolling on that. So, that part of my life is going okay. I'm not feeling particularly motivated right now, but I guess we all have ups and downs. I'm done with classes, though, so that is a very freeing feeling, let me tell you!
I'm training for a half-marathon, if you can believe it! It's going to be in Chicago in September. I have to go run today, actually, but only 3 miles, so that shouldn't be difficult. I'm really looking forward to seeing LJ, though, as I haven't seen her in 2 years! Actually, she's coming out here in a couple of weeks, which is frickin' awesome.
My parents are moving to FL next month - super excited for them. Ah, retirement! I'll be going down to help them out.
I've been thinking about starting a new blog - kind of a weight loss + exercise + diabetes thing. Mostly for my own benefit, but if others get anything out of it, that would be cool.
I guess that's it for the first half of 2013. Not much else going on with me right now. Doing some dating, nothing serious. I'm pleased with my diabetes care right now (I got a CGM), and my last A1c was 5.8%. Yeah, I think that's it. Mwah!
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