Friday, June 29, 2007


I have to say that my classes this summer are not really that fun. I don't know what's up with that, but there you have it. English is so not fun, and I have to write a 15 page paper for it. Ugh. I usually really like writing and all that, but when you've got someone looking over your shoulder for topic sentences and crap, it's really annoying. Math is okay, but pretty much half the semester is series, like infinite series and taylor series, and series are my least favorite thing in the world, but I should probably get better at them and learn to love them. My religion class (online) is going well I think, it's mildly fascinating. I don't know, I just hope I don't bring down my grade point average with these classes, so I'm attempting to still put in all the effort necessary. Blah blah blah.

That's about it from my corner of the world.